This is the time of perfect balance between night and day, a great time to recconect with ourselves and find the balance within us. It is also a time of joy, the days are lenghtening and the nights are shortening. All of Nature is stirring now, Spring flowers are perfuming the air, the buds are just starting to burst on the trees, and the birds are singing songs of victory over winter. Ah, Spring! It's such a lovely time of the year.
Beautiful daffodils colour the streets, front yards and hedges everywhere
Cowslip just coming into bloom
The ever so graceful periwinkles, in the edge of a forest
And the simple, but always beautiful, primroses. Although they are a common sight everywhere in Ireland, I read that it is rare in the SW. Nevertheless, I found two beautiful bunches so far :) the flowers are edible, and make a perfect last minute adition in salads. During their season, the more you pick, the more it flowers. I'll be back in a few days for another portion.
Wild garlic and Nettles (above) made a delicious soup (below)
And young shoots of water mint are just starting to grow in the forest.
That's it for today. Wish you all a lovely Spring Equinox, and exciting new begginings <3
~ Sara Terrwyn Valentim ~
Happy Ostara! :) You are so lucky to already have so many beautiful and edible plants to pick!
ResponderEliminarHappy Ostara dear Frøydis!! :) hopefully it won't be too long now till spring flowers and edibles starts to pop out of the ground where you live <3
EliminarBlessed Ostara <3 What a great sight! The soup looks delicious :)
ResponderEliminarHere it still looks like late autumn, very grey. But soon <3 At least it isn't as dark as it used too :) I've never seen primroses before :D They look like stars :3 Beautiful.
Blessed Equinox my dear fairy sister <3
EliminarIt also looks very grey here now too :( we had such lovely weather last week, and until about 3 days ago, then it started to fade away.. But anyway, despite the rain and uncomfortable cold, Nature knows it's spring, and keeps gifting us with flowers <3